Thursday 12 March 2015


by Veronica Roth       

This book to me is an "okay" sort of book. Its not that its not nice its just a little too...romantic for my liking. I mean I'm fine with kissing and stuff but talking about how you feel when you touch them, how you fit perfectly together and how you want each other its kind of a little bit too much for a 14 year old like me to enjoy. ( I am just putting out my opinion it doesn't mean it has to be the same as yours ) Divergent was made into a movie last year, 2014 and even though I believe that the book is always better than the movie this time it wasn't. To me the movie was better because they omit some of the more violent scenes like attempted gang rape, a knife plunged into someone's eye and the and her kissing him happens a lot in the book but very little in the movie. So big thumbs up to them. Some people have compared this book to the hunger games and said that this book is less violent but, even though 22 teens die but their deaths are mostly quick a snap of the neck, a arrow in the neck, a stab of a sword. All the deaths were fast okay except Cato's and maybe Rue's death  but other than that quick or instant deaths but in divergent you have to fight each other till one of you knocks out and can't continue. I mean that's kind of like torture and they have to do it every single day which is really painful but there are some good points that I haven't talked about like how Tris and Tobias really do love each other and how brave and kind and selfless Tris is but I leave that for you to figure out if you decide to read it.

There are 5 factions Abnegation, Candor, Amity , Erudite and Dauntless

This book is on Tris's life when she starts in Abnegation with herbrother Caleb ( committed to selflessness) going through a test finding out she's divergent and chooses Dauntless ( courage and bravery ) and her brother chooses Erudite during the choosing ceremony and the hiding of her divergence during initiation process, the process of eliminating unworthy initiates that do not measure up to the faction's standard leaving them factionless which means that they live their lives with no meaning not belonging to any faction but their own group of factionless people and where she meets her instructor, Four a,k.a. Tobias Eaton . The Erudite and Dauntless are plotting to overthrow the leading faction/ the government, Tris's old faction, where her parents live and are a part of, Abnegation.  Being divergent she and Tobias ( yes he's divergent too... well not really but that's later in the series ) are the only ones who can stop Jeanine, the head of Erudite from taking over completely. DO THEY SUCCEED... READ THE BOOK TO FIND OUT.

All in all its a good book but its a little too much for me and if they turned it down a little it would be better. Again this only my opinion it doesn't have to feel as if I read your mind. That's all next one is coming out in a couple more hours about 7-8 more hours give or take. OKAY. BYE    

                                  INEZ :9

link to first book

link to book set ( amazon )


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