Thursday 12 March 2015

Pushing the Limits

by Katie McGarry

This book really touched my heart. I cried (a lot) in this book, I felt the pain the main characters felt and it was just....corny but true

This book is about two teenagers who have difficult lives. Echo, who used to be popular, now has cuts all over her arms. She was everyone's topic to gossip about. Some rumors said that she tried to kill herself but no one really knows what happens, not even Echo. Now for the other main character, Noah. Noah is the kind of boy that swears a LOT, tattoos, smoking. He's your typical gangster. Gangster or not he wants his family back but he can't.

They eventually meet and fall in love with each other. Echo and Noah both crave for something they know they can't have - normal. 

This book is UGH just perrrrrfect. I suggest this book for mature readers only.

There's a sequel to this but I haven't read it yet. I think it's called Breaking the Rules?? Read it!

(NOT making a spoiler, that's how badly I want you to read this)- mimi

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