Thursday 12 March 2015



I personally love this book and its not just because the writer, Chris Colfer is part of the GLEE cast its because he's also a really good writer and I'm not just saying that just so you'll read this book. Chris Colfer has also written other books such as Struck By Lightning: The Carson Phillips Journal, the second and third book of the land of stories series: the enchantress returns and a grimm warning, respectively. This book is funny but at some points I felt like I just wanted to curl into a ball and cry. Like when the Evil Queen tells her story to the main characters of the story, which most people don't usually cry at but hey I'm not like usual people.

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Alex and Conner Bailey

        This book is about 2 kids Alex and her twin brother Conner Bailey. The story starts about a year after their father dies, which is a few days before their 11th birthday but your not supposed to know that till chapter 2. Anyway, they both go to the same school and have the same classes and even though their twins they are quite different Alex is smart, likes reading, loves school ( learning ) , is a teacher's pet ( sort of ) , she's always alone reading a.k.a. lonely and she is always teased in school. Conner is the exact opposite of everything his sister is ( well everything except their looks, they both have strawberry blond hair and blue eyes ) he sleeps in class, he gets detention slips like everyday, he pretty much hates school and he has friends. On their 12th birthday their mother has to work a night shift at the hospital ( she's a nurse ) and is not able to celebrate with them and asks their grandmother to stay with them for the night. Their grandmother travels all around the world to read to sick children or teaches children in third world countries how to read and write. She gives them gifts that she has collected for them from all over the world but nothing beats her last present her treasured fairy tale book. They discover that the book can hum, glow, absorb things and things can fly out of it too. While testing out the book Alex falls into it and just like in the nursery rhyme Jill/Conner comes tumbling after. They enter the land of stories where fairy tales are real. Alex and Conner soon discover, the stories they know so well haven’t ended in this magical land. Goldilocks is a wanted fugitive in all of the kingdoms, Red Riding Hood has her own kingdom, Queen Cinderella is about to have a child. Goldilocks and Jack ( the Jack with a beanstalk ) have a secret relationship and The Evil Queen is still on the loose. Oh yeah and there is a 4th charming prince.
The twins want to get back home and find a journal with the help of frog-man, Froggy they find a journal with a spell that could get them out but The Evil Queen is searching for the spell to and now its just a race against time. How will they ever find the way out? 

click to go to amazon to buy the first book


Chris Colfer and the rest of the series.

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