Monday 16 March 2015

Saturday 14 March 2015


     There is story on how I came to read this book. I was about 8 years old when the book came about in the year 2007. When I was 9 years old I had just started reading 300 paged books when my aunt bought me this huge book with tons of pages I thought I it would've taken me at least a month to read the book but I finished it in 3 hours. This book is a complete package, its beautifully written, the story's great, the characters are magical and the illustrations are just....they leave you speechless. The writer, Brian Selznick must be a complete package too since he illustrated the book and wrote it as well. But anyway, when the movie Hugo premiered in 2011 with Asa Butterfield as Hugo and ChloĆ« Grace Moretz as Isabelle. Asa also stars in the book to movie adaption of Ender's game as Ender and Chloe stars as Mia in the movie adaption of if i stay, I didn't realize I was watching the movie adaption of Hugo until I looked back at the book. 

             The story is told by Hugo, a young orphan boy. He lives in a small apartment above a train station in the 1900's and secretly keeps the clocks in the station running after the disappearance of his uncle the man who actually works for the train station and the death of his father who died in a fire ( I cried when he talked about how he felt with his father gone ) . The only piece of his life before becoming an orphan is an automaton that was discovered by his late father. It is seriously messed up and needs serious repairs, before it can tell Hugo the secret that he has been keeping for so long, which Hugo believes is from his father. Having no resources to the missing pieces that he needs to fix the automaton he steals tiny pieces from Georges Melies the owner of a toy booth in the train station. He meets Georges goddaughter, Isabelle. The other half of the story is of the consequences of his thefts, the growing of the sweet friendship between Hugo an Isabelle, of his many, many, many secrets, the connection between Isabelle,the automaton and the message the automaton delivers and how it links to Isabelle's Papa Georges history with the French cinema. 

          It is a beautiful book with a wonderful story, a book I think everyone should read.


Thursday 12 March 2015

Divergent pics



I personally love this book and its not just because the writer, Chris Colfer is part of the GLEE cast its because he's also a really good writer and I'm not just saying that just so you'll read this book. Chris Colfer has also written other books such as Struck By Lightning: The Carson Phillips Journal, the second and third book of the land of stories series: the enchantress returns and a grimm warning, respectively. This book is funny but at some points I felt like I just wanted to curl into a ball and cry. Like when the Evil Queen tells her story to the main characters of the story, which most people don't usually cry at but hey I'm not like usual people.

image description
Alex and Conner Bailey

        This book is about 2 kids Alex and her twin brother Conner Bailey. The story starts about a year after their father dies, which is a few days before their 11th birthday but your not supposed to know that till chapter 2. Anyway, they both go to the same school and have the same classes and even though their twins they are quite different Alex is smart, likes reading, loves school ( learning ) , is a teacher's pet ( sort of ) , she's always alone reading a.k.a. lonely and she is always teased in school. Conner is the exact opposite of everything his sister is ( well everything except their looks, they both have strawberry blond hair and blue eyes ) he sleeps in class, he gets detention slips like everyday, he pretty much hates school and he has friends. On their 12th birthday their mother has to work a night shift at the hospital ( she's a nurse ) and is not able to celebrate with them and asks their grandmother to stay with them for the night. Their grandmother travels all around the world to read to sick children or teaches children in third world countries how to read and write. She gives them gifts that she has collected for them from all over the world but nothing beats her last present her treasured fairy tale book. They discover that the book can hum, glow, absorb things and things can fly out of it too. While testing out the book Alex falls into it and just like in the nursery rhyme Jill/Conner comes tumbling after. They enter the land of stories where fairy tales are real. Alex and Conner soon discover, the stories they know so well haven’t ended in this magical land. Goldilocks is a wanted fugitive in all of the kingdoms, Red Riding Hood has her own kingdom, Queen Cinderella is about to have a child. Goldilocks and Jack ( the Jack with a beanstalk ) have a secret relationship and The Evil Queen is still on the loose. Oh yeah and there is a 4th charming prince.
The twins want to get back home and find a journal with the help of frog-man, Froggy they find a journal with a spell that could get them out but The Evil Queen is searching for the spell to and now its just a race against time. How will they ever find the way out? 

click to go to amazon to buy the first book


Chris Colfer and the rest of the series.


by Veronica Roth       

This book to me is an "okay" sort of book. Its not that its not nice its just a little too...romantic for my liking. I mean I'm fine with kissing and stuff but talking about how you feel when you touch them, how you fit perfectly together and how you want each other its kind of a little bit too much for a 14 year old like me to enjoy. ( I am just putting out my opinion it doesn't mean it has to be the same as yours ) Divergent was made into a movie last year, 2014 and even though I believe that the book is always better than the movie this time it wasn't. To me the movie was better because they omit some of the more violent scenes like attempted gang rape, a knife plunged into someone's eye and the and her kissing him happens a lot in the book but very little in the movie. So big thumbs up to them. Some people have compared this book to the hunger games and said that this book is less violent but, even though 22 teens die but their deaths are mostly quick a snap of the neck, a arrow in the neck, a stab of a sword. All the deaths were fast okay except Cato's and maybe Rue's death  but other than that quick or instant deaths but in divergent you have to fight each other till one of you knocks out and can't continue. I mean that's kind of like torture and they have to do it every single day which is really painful but there are some good points that I haven't talked about like how Tris and Tobias really do love each other and how brave and kind and selfless Tris is but I leave that for you to figure out if you decide to read it.

There are 5 factions Abnegation, Candor, Amity , Erudite and Dauntless

This book is on Tris's life when she starts in Abnegation with herbrother Caleb ( committed to selflessness) going through a test finding out she's divergent and chooses Dauntless ( courage and bravery ) and her brother chooses Erudite during the choosing ceremony and the hiding of her divergence during initiation process, the process of eliminating unworthy initiates that do not measure up to the faction's standard leaving them factionless which means that they live their lives with no meaning not belonging to any faction but their own group of factionless people and where she meets her instructor, Four a,k.a. Tobias Eaton . The Erudite and Dauntless are plotting to overthrow the leading faction/ the government, Tris's old faction, where her parents live and are a part of, Abnegation.  Being divergent she and Tobias ( yes he's divergent too... well not really but that's later in the series ) are the only ones who can stop Jeanine, the head of Erudite from taking over completely. DO THEY SUCCEED... READ THE BOOK TO FIND OUT.

All in all its a good book but its a little too much for me and if they turned it down a little it would be better. Again this only my opinion it doesn't have to feel as if I read your mind. That's all next one is coming out in a couple more hours about 7-8 more hours give or take. OKAY. BYE    

                                  INEZ :9

link to first book

link to book set ( amazon )


Pushing the Limits

by Katie McGarry

This book really touched my heart. I cried (a lot) in this book, I felt the pain the main characters felt and it was just....corny but true

This book is about two teenagers who have difficult lives. Echo, who used to be popular, now has cuts all over her arms. She was everyone's topic to gossip about. Some rumors said that she tried to kill herself but no one really knows what happens, not even Echo. Now for the other main character, Noah. Noah is the kind of boy that swears a LOT, tattoos, smoking. He's your typical gangster. Gangster or not he wants his family back but he can't.

They eventually meet and fall in love with each other. Echo and Noah both crave for something they know they can't have - normal. 

This book is UGH just perrrrrfect. I suggest this book for mature readers only.

There's a sequel to this but I haven't read it yet. I think it's called Breaking the Rules?? Read it!

(NOT making a spoiler, that's how badly I want you to read this)- mimi

Tuesday 10 March 2015




by Rick Riordan

I really love this series just as much as I love The Hunger Games, well almost. I found out that this was a book series after watching the movie adaptions of the first and second book: Percy Jackson And The Lightning Thief and Percy Jackson And The Sea of Monsters. ( for those of you who have not read the books and thought that they did a good job with the movies I just want to say that they messed up the whole story line and it would take me a whole new different post to describe what they messed up and that might even need to be a part 1 and part 2, but I don't really mind the casting.) BTW there is also a love connection between Percy and Annabeth.When Rick Riordan writes he is pretty funny I mean I ALMOST ALWAYS LAUGH. I mean who gives their characters nicknames like seaweed brain.

           But anyway, about the book. The whole series is based on Greek Mythology and Demigods. For those of you who don't know what Demigods are Demigods are half-mortal and half-god. Apparently, the gods of Mount Olympus come down to earth to "hook up" with mortals and that's how Demigods are made. Well, this story is about Percy Jackson and I'm pretty sure you would've guessed that by now, just by reading the title. Percy Jackson is a trouble-prone student who has ADHD and Dyslexia. His world is turned upside down when he finds out that Poseidon, Greek god of the sea. As his mother drives Grover, his best friend/satyr/his protector and him to Camp-Half-Blood, a safe haven for Demigods they get attacked by a Minotaur. Percy defeats the Minotaur but gets knocked out but not before seeing his mother die. Oh yeah, and guess what he's 12. In the book he is accused of stealing Zeus's lightning bolt, the gods are feuding, he finds out that his mom's not dead but her life is in limbo and the only way to get her back is to find the person who stole the lightning bolt... 

PLS! PLS! PLS! READ THE SERIES. TRUST ME YOU WILL LOVE IT. ( Well if you love greek mythology then this is the book for you.) 

the link for the 1st book on amazon

the link to the whole 5 piece bookset

The Poison Apples

by Lily Archer

This book is about three girls who have one thing in common; stepmothers. Alice, Reena and Molly met in a posh boarding school, all three of them HATED their stepmothers soo they formed a club called the poison apple and hatched a plan to destroy their stepmothers' lives. This is a great book and I love it so much because it's really heartwarming. Romance? Comedy? Tragedy? This book has it. I cried at some point but laughed too.Anyway... this book is suitable for almost everyone and I highly recommend you read it. You'd better. Have a nice day :{)

(don't read this if you don't know the ending of the book and not planning to find out)

They failed, and figure out that their stepmothers have hearts too. -Mimi

Monday 9 March 2015


We would love your opinions on our book reviews OR just anything! We have a poll of the month as well. PLEASE VOTE. :) ty - mimi

Reading Quotes



by Suzanne Collins             

 I am not going to lie. I am pretty much obsessed with The Hunger Games. It is and most likely will always be my favourite trilogy or book series. I love the story, I love the characters ( although I slightly dislike Gale ), I love the way Suzanne Collins wrote so it feels as if your actually there ( I know people usually say this, but it really does feel like your actually there ), I love the message she's trying to convey and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the love triangle and I know the love triangle isn't exactly the main reason Suzanne Collins wrote her book but it is a beautiful love story. (This trilogy left me bawling my eyes out during the 3rd book, MOCKINGJAY. Possibly because I am an emotionally unstable person, BECAUSE OF READING. )                  

THE HUNGER GAMES - A televised battle to death among kids aged 12 - 18 years old ( tributes ) that have been reaped from their perspective district to be contenders in the annual Hunger Games that's held in a special arena that is created and controlled by the Gamemakers. The showdown continues until only one contender is left and crowned victor.

The story revolves around Katniss Everdeen. A 16 year old girl who has taken over as the head of the family after her father died from a mining accident when she was 11 years old. She had to keep herself, her mother and her 7 year old sister, Prim alive.

 During the reaping of the tributes for the 74th Annual Hunger Games her sister, Primrose Everdeen is reaped as the female tribute and she volunteers as tribute to save her sister then Peeta Mellark ( The Boy With The Bread ) who she has a personal connection with even though she has never talked to him is reaped as the male tribute from her district, District 12. 

Their now sent to games after a week or two of being pampered by the Capitol and Katniss wearing one of the most beautiful dresses I've ever read of. Their sent to the games where Katniss faces deadly enemies, killer berries, a foxface, painful wounds, mixed emotions and even has to put her acting and nursing skills to the test. Oh yeah, and her kissing skills too. (This is not a spoiler because she has to survive because if she didn't how could it be a TRILOGY !!!) Soon after the games, she finds out that the Capitol/ President Snow is now out to get her because of a stunt she pulled with the KILLER BERRIES towards the end of the Games.



press to get the link to the first book

press to get the link of the full box set on Amazon

inez ;)

Sunday 8 March 2015



I love editing so this is a quick edit I wanted to share with you (BTW photo is not mine I only did the black and white effect )

swiftiecyrus is my tumblr account. Go follow if you love Miley Cyrus or Taylor Swift. -Mimi

The Extraordinary Education of Nicholas Benedict


This is basically a prequel to his series THE MYSTERIOUS BENEDICT SOCIETY, this is basically a book on how things got started. 

Its a beautifully written book that is full of excitement and sad moments and how Nicholas pulls through the good and the bad. This book left me crying at some point but laughing at some points too (mostly crying). 

The is about the amazing nine-year-old Nicholas Benedict. Nicholas is an orphan, and also has narcolepsy, a condition that gives him terrible nightmares that leave him falling out of his bed and makes him fall asleep at the worst possible moments, he could be walking up the stairs and literally fall asleep right there. In this book his sent to a new orphanage, where he meets John his best best friend (I know I said best twice) and The Spiders, a group of 3 vicious bullies  who torments everyone/all of the orphans, selfish adults like Mr. Collum the director/the person in charge of the  orphanage/the manor/ child's end who locks Nicholas in a room  so that nobody can hear him screaming at night during one of his many nightmares. This is also where he finds out about a certain treasure that could be one of the greatest mysteries of his young life and also one of the reasons he meets Violet, a talented artist. And all of this happens because of MR COLLUM AND HIS BEAUTIFUL LEDGER. 

This book is suitable for anyone at any age and its one of my all time favorites. If you can read this book's for you. 

                                                                                                                                              Inez :)

Saturday 7 March 2015

Inez's Intro

Hi everyone,
                       Inez here, me and my cousin love reading so we decided to make a blog where we write reviews on books that we found interesting or boring and tell you why. We're also going too share pics and videos that we think are cool or are related to the book. 

BTW we post:
tons of spoilers and my favorite series is The Hunger Games   and I really support Peeta and Katniss's relationship and if you do too we're gonna get along just great and if you don't we're gonna get along fine either way.

                                                                                                                                     Inez :)

MIMI'S interruption

I think Peeta and Katniss relationship SUCKS. Katniss and Gale should be together.



Thursday 5 March 2015

Mimi's Intro

Hey everybody(to whoever's reading this) , me and my cousin Inez love reading books so much that we decided to write reviews  on books that we read. This font means it's Mimi.(BTW we would LOVE any book recommendations)