Saturday 14 March 2015


     There is story on how I came to read this book. I was about 8 years old when the book came about in the year 2007. When I was 9 years old I had just started reading 300 paged books when my aunt bought me this huge book with tons of pages I thought I it would've taken me at least a month to read the book but I finished it in 3 hours. This book is a complete package, its beautifully written, the story's great, the characters are magical and the illustrations are just....they leave you speechless. The writer, Brian Selznick must be a complete package too since he illustrated the book and wrote it as well. But anyway, when the movie Hugo premiered in 2011 with Asa Butterfield as Hugo and Chloë Grace Moretz as Isabelle. Asa also stars in the book to movie adaption of Ender's game as Ender and Chloe stars as Mia in the movie adaption of if i stay, I didn't realize I was watching the movie adaption of Hugo until I looked back at the book. 

             The story is told by Hugo, a young orphan boy. He lives in a small apartment above a train station in the 1900's and secretly keeps the clocks in the station running after the disappearance of his uncle the man who actually works for the train station and the death of his father who died in a fire ( I cried when he talked about how he felt with his father gone ) . The only piece of his life before becoming an orphan is an automaton that was discovered by his late father. It is seriously messed up and needs serious repairs, before it can tell Hugo the secret that he has been keeping for so long, which Hugo believes is from his father. Having no resources to the missing pieces that he needs to fix the automaton he steals tiny pieces from Georges Melies the owner of a toy booth in the train station. He meets Georges goddaughter, Isabelle. The other half of the story is of the consequences of his thefts, the growing of the sweet friendship between Hugo an Isabelle, of his many, many, many secrets, the connection between Isabelle,the automaton and the message the automaton delivers and how it links to Isabelle's Papa Georges history with the French cinema. 

          It is a beautiful book with a wonderful story, a book I think everyone should read.


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